My 10 Priorities As A Mother

My 10 Priorities as a Mother

My 10 Priorities As a Mother

Although my rules and discipline techniques change as my kids grow up, (hence the quote by Maya Angelou) MY PRIORITIES NEVER DO.

1.  PRAY

I pray for them and with them, it is my greatest source of strength.


I listen to their entire story before I speak…I admit this is hard for me but I am getting better.


I stand up for them so they know I am strong and they can always count on me.


I stand back while they fight battles so they know I believe they are strong and I trust their decisions.


I give them choices that allow them to experience life.


I give them boundaries that protect their innocence.


I make sure to spend time as a family with other adults that reinforce my beliefs.


I show true interest in their hobbies and passions…from scooters, drumming, and video games to makeup, fashion, girly TV shows.


I encourage their dreams and celebrate BIG! The rest of the world will shoot them down, I shouldn’t.


I honor my husband by bragging on him and pointing out his best characteristics to my kids.

If you have never thought about your Priorities as a Mother,

I encourage you to do so!

AND if your children are fully grown with children of their own,

come up with your priorities as a grandmother!

P.S. Here’s a BONUS one for you…

11.  Don’t be on your cell phone when you are picking up or dropping off your kids at school or other activities.

A Mothers Greatest Gift

Proverbs 31:26-31 “She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: Many woman do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive , and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.


Blog Signature-Charcoal, Gold


  1. I absolutely love these. I am not a mother, but I think that these can apply to anyone. Such an amazing list! Thank you so much for sharing them with us at our link party!!

  2. Beautiful post! I loved reading all of these priorities and agreed with every one of them and then as soon I saw your husband’s comment I was sold. I am printing this out and hanging it on my bathroom mirror. Thank you so much for sharing at Be.You.tiful linky party!

  3. Hi Sonya! I found your post via the be-you-tiful link party. I LOVE this list. Such good advice! I’m inspired to come up with my own list. thanks again!

  4. I am so glad you found my post encouraging! Thanks for the kind words and the follow. Have a great weekend ~Sonya

  5. Oh this is such a great list! I’m now totally inspired to write my own – what a good exercise in intentionality. Found you through Family Fun Friday and will definitely be following you now. You have a beautiful blog and it’s so nice to read encouraging posts from a mom who’s been through the “little kid” years (mine are 3 and 1) and came out the other side alive!

  6. This is wonderful and the type of mother my mother was and that I had hoped to be if I was able to have children. Being a mother is the precious gift we are given… enjoy your children always. Have a very happy Mother’s Day.

  7. Sonya,
    This is just beautiful!!! Really puts things in perspective! I am enjoying getting to know you. 🙂 I pray you have a blessed Mother’s Day!! Hugs, Christy

  8. I’m so glad you felt inspired by this Monica! I have went to your blog and added it to your Family Fun Friday!
    have a great day and thanks for stopping by. ~Sonya

  9. Thanks Abby! I am not technical at all and every little change takes me forever! Thanks for noticing. ~Sonya

  10. Sonya-

    Wow! This is the best. Really. These are great priorities.

    I’m sure your husband and kids are very proud of you. As they should be!

    Happy Mother’s Day!

  11. Thanks so much for stopping by! I’m heading to check out your blog now 🙂
    Curious…how did you find my blog? ~Sonya

  12. That’s why you are the “Best!” wife and mother. I love you for all these reasons and more. We are going to do our best to make sure your Mother’s Day is awesome.

  13. Thanks Nancy! That picture is from a trip last July to NYC…I think it was the official “look mom, I’m taller that you!” 🙂

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