One Room Challenge Spring 2018 Week 5

One Room Challenge Spring 2018 Week 5Y’all, oh my goodness it’s One Room Challenge Spring 2018 Week 5! If this is your first visit hey friend! I’m making over my backyard for the One Room Challenge 6 week space makeover. The reality of it is there are only 5 weeks in between the day one and the reveal. The last week is spent photographing and writing the post so it’s truly a 4 week makeover.

This update may not be what you expect…

It has been one of those weeks where I had to really check myself. As I told you all in week one this project must stay within a very small budget. I knew I would have to spend money on supplies but I would be doing all of the work myself with some help from Ray.

I went down a rabbit hole this past week looking around online for some deck furniture. I started feeling sorry for myself because what I really wanted and loved was very expensive. By nature I am a frugal person. I always look for the very best product for the best price but I was having one of those real moments of envy wanting what I couldn’t afford.

I had thought of seeking out sponsorship for this makeover but in the end decided against it. I wanted to do this all on my own. Please don’t get me wrong, this is not a jab at any other bloggers and designers who get things given to them. More power to them. For me though, I rarely take product for service. I think maybe 2 or 3 times. I prefer to be paid in dollars. So my point is, it would not have been authentic to myself, my blog or my business to ask for products just to get something nicer than I can afford. This entire blog was created to teach and inspire you to create a beautiful home you can afford. I hope this is making sense because I do earn money from this blog but it must always fit me as a person.

Ray and I sacrifice these things in order to live mostly debt free and to pay for our kids to go to college. Once I put it all back into perspective my joy was back and I kept plugging away. Many times we think new stuff will make us happy and make everything right. The reality is God expects us to take care of what he has already blessed us with. SO, I started cleaning more and taking care of what was right in front of me.

Ray is finishing the benches for the big tables tomorrow and I need to buy some plants. Then I should be ready for styling and photos. I can’t wait for you to see it. There is a little sneak peek of the fence and shed below.

One Room Challenge Spring 2018 Week 5

One Room Challenge Spring 2018 Week 5

One Room Challenge Spring 2018 Week 5

One Room Challenge Spring 2018 Week 5


Here’s to a successful reveal week!!



  1. Good for you Sonya. Your reveal will be more inspirational knowing this . Anybody can turn an room into something amazing with new stuff to fill it but not everybody can turn a room into something magical using what they already have. Looking forward to seeing your space next week.

  2. (Less than) one more week!! PS, I love your shed color!

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