31 Days Clean the Sink

Day 14: Clean the Sink

Are you ready for this one?

It’s not rocket science!

It’s actually so easy, it’s hard to understand why we even have to talk about it!

31 Days Clean the Sink

Yep…it’s the sink.

It’s makes waking up in the morning better when it’s clean…really it does!

So I challenge you, Clean your Sink every night before bed as you work to Bring your Home to Order!

I hope your day is filled with order!



Bring this home to Order button



  1. I completely agree!!! I absolutely love this back splash!!! Can you please tell me the name of the brick tile that was used!!!

  2. LOVE your Clemson Tervis!!!! And yes, when the sink and counter surrounding it are clean and free of items, the entire kitchen appears clean….

  3. That’s something I do more than once a day. My sink is stainless and the water spots bug me so I clean and wipe it down alot. At our last house we had a granite composite sink and it was so much easier. 🙂

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