How to Have the Best School Year Ever
Do you find yourself thinking every year, this will be the best school year ever? Then one month in and the school year is already going down hill. Today on the blog I’m sharing with you how to truly make this the best school year ever. Years of experience included.
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I’ve been really trying to think of things to share here on the blog that relate to back to school. Everything from breakfast ideas, lunch box fillers, easy meals, to organized drop station, and organized calendars.
Truth is, my heart just wasn’t into another “how to” system for back to school.
All of those things are really important and if I look on Pinterest right now I would see hundreds and hundreds of options to help with all of that. As I was thinking more about what really causes the most stress during the school year it’s attitude. I’m not talking about the kids or at least not at first. I’m talking to parents, especially the parent that gets the kids off to school in the morning.
Now that our second and last child is entering her senior year I feel that we have truly mastered this. That is not to say we don’t have bad days, we are human, but they a rare.
I have been a stay at home/work from home mom for all of my kids lives. It is all they know. BUT I believe what I am about to share will benefit every person out there.
How to Have the Best School Year Ever
It starts with YOU! It starts with a choice to make every morning as calm and joyful as possible. Over the years I have learned how to make this happen.
- Be the example of the person you want your child to be! Your attitude in any situation will set the tone for every minute that follows.
- Take 5 minutes before you wake your kids to get yourself mentally ready, prayer is good.
- Play music, it lifts everyone’s spirits. Alexa, our Amazon Echo, is playing our favorite songs every morning!
- Be patient when they are tired, and when they forget their school work.
- STOP saying hurry up a million times. It never helps.
- Never let the last words your kids here from you before they leave the house, get on the bus, or get out of the car be negative. You are only causing them tension which they are carrying with them into school.
- Your attitude for the day ahead becomes their attitude, good or bad.
Remember, they are kids! From pre-school to senior year, they are still learning from you. Don’t think because they grew into an adult size body over night their brain and emotions became wiser too. That comes from experiencing life and watching others, mostly you.
Attitude, good or bad, passed on can make or break a day. Make a choice each day to have a joyful attitude. As each day passes, and the school year goes along, you will find that you have indeed had the best school year ever!
Be your kids first teacher every morning!
MORE great articles to help with your school year:
I believe that the return to school after the summer holidays is the most difficult for the child. And the best school year for your child will be to agreed with the teacher of your child does not ask him homework. After all, the child needs to rest after a hard day at school. Better ask your child about what he would like to learn and what he is interested in. Only after the child begins to learn what he is interested in, he really will become a professional in this matter. Thank you for this wonderful article!