Follow Your Gut when Decorating
Let me start by saying I’ve missed you. I didn’t mean to miss posting recently but life was busy, like painting banners, DIY 8ft painted marquee and float decorating…that all only means one thing, high school homecoming spirit week! Anyway, I’m glad to be posting today and I’m SUPER glad you’re here.
I have decided to start back posting my Quick Tip Friday series. It seems to be popular with you all (me too!) so if you have any burning questions you’d like me to answer on another addition of Quick Tip Friday, just comment below. It just may turn into a blog post.
I know you’ve heard people say many times, follow your gut when decorating your home.
Easy right? Wrong!
Sometimes we are stubborn, sometimes we let friends offer too much advice, and other times we try to follow a trend.
You know when something doesn’t feel right but you carry on with it anyway because you feel like you have invested too much time into it? That is what has happened to me with our black painted kitchen cabinets.
Here is a photo in case you are new here and did not see the kitchen makeover back in the spring.
I am afraid to say, I must paint them, again. It’s weird really, I think they turned out great but something in me just doesn’t love it. It’s funny too because I have been loving black cabinets for years and was determined to paint mine.
In the end, I have to follow my gut. Every time I stand at the kitchen I’m thinking about those dang cabinets. Crazy, I know but it is bugging me so much. I keep telling myself it’s just paint, change it. The cost to do so is very minimal but if you have ever painted a kitchen before it’s time consuming and wreaks a little havoc on the muscles. I will keep you posted on what I do with the cabinets, I plan to get them done before Thanksgiving.
What I would like for you to take away from today’s quick tip is this: “just because it’s pretty doesn’t mean you have to keep it.” If you keep trying to live with something that you know in your heart isn’t what you were hoping for then change it. The sooner you do the happier you will feel in your home.
Is there anything in your home that your gut has been telling you needs some change? I love chatting with you so please share.
Before you go here are some likes to my previous Quick Tip Friday post that may interest you!
Quick Tip Friday: Round Light Bulbs
Quick Tip Friday: Restore Furniture Hardware
Quick Tip Friday: Wood Finishing Cloths
I’m getting ready to do my kitchen with black on the bottom and white on top. I feel like you may have too many different colors and patterns on your kitchen. If you are OC, like I am, there simplicity of black and white is pleasing. Maybe instead of repainting cabinets, change backsplash and color above the to cabinets. I teach kindergarten and everything looks like an art project… So I may be way off.
I love the Cashmere paint. I have used it on clients cabinets and I actually plan to repaint mine with it in the Spring. Did you see this post?
I loved the cream & glazed cabinets. Did you repaint them to the plain cream & black because the Sherwin Williams cashmere was holding up? I want to paint mine, but want something that looks just like the cashmere. Please let me know. Thanks!
I always say, it’s just paint and can be changed easy. 🙂
I love the way your kitchen looks in the black and white, but completely understand your dilemma. I just found your blog through ig so I’m not familiar with what your kitchen looked like before but it was the pic that caught my eye. I am having the same dilemma with my dining table and chairs. It was stained all the same. After having it for years I wanted to paint and lightly distress it to look like so many that I have seen done and loved. My walls are a mocha color and I couldn’t decide to leave the table stained and paint the chairs either white or black or match it all. I ended up painting the table legs white and the chairs a very light blue. There’s not enough contrast and it almost looks like I just didn’t get the right shade of white to do the chairs. I have been wanting to redo them now, but still can’t decide how I want them! Kind of wish I would have stuck with one of my first two ideas…
You are SO sweet and I appreciate your honesty! Have a great weekend! ~Sonya
I am glad you like the black and honestly I do like it, just not love 🙂
Oh no ! I think your black cabinets look pretty, but if you don’t love it, well you know ! Hey, I have been wrestling with painting a cabinet that houses our DVR , etc. and so far I have about 4 different colors of paint on it, and I still have not found one that does it for me ! I think I should have left it the dark stain it was. Oh well. It’s not quite as labor intensive as painting kitchen cabinets though. I painted mine a couple years ago, and I love them white, thank goodness, because it is a lot of work.
I never made a comment when you changed your cabinets but,i liked them before and really didn’t like the black,so can’t wait to see what you do.You have a lovely home Sonya.