Quick Tip Friday Chandelier Ideas


Home Decorating tips for one day spruce ups.

Back in February I did a fun series called Quick Tip Friday. It was a great success so I thought that from time to time I would add more tips.

Here’s the deal, I know how much we all love a big room makeover, myself included but many times most of us just need to do some little things around the house to complete a project. These little things can make a big difference in our decorating or our ability to complete a project easier than we may have planned.

Get ready for Quick Tip Friday Chandelier Ideas!

My friend Jennifer from Dimples and Tangles posted a photo on her Instagram of a gorgeous chandelier that had round light bulbs. Then I was flipping through a catalog and saw similar light bulbs in another light fixture. That’s when I had my light bulb moment!


Chandelier light bulb quick tip friday

I needed to change out the existing pointy light bulbs that had been in my dining room chandelier for years. That layer of dust on those things should have been the first sign that they needed to be changed. LOL!

Changed out the pointy bulbs to these round ones and WOW!!  Way cheaper than a whole new light fixture.

Quick Tip Friday Round light bulbs

Quick Tip Friday Light Bulb change

It is a game changer!!

SUPER easy decorating tip that has me thinking outside of the box on many other projects.

Quick Tip Friday light bulb moment

Let me know if you change your bulbs out! I like to see what others do with my inspiration. Coming up on the blog Monday I will be sharing the complete dining room so be sure to come back by.

Here are the links to my other QUICK TIP FRIDAY posts that you may be interested in:

Wood Finishing Cloths

Chalk Finish Paint

Restore Furniture Hardware

Refresh old pieces with Spray Paint

Clean Home Challenge

BY the way, I’m over on my friend Julie’s blog Redhead can Decorate today guest posting! If you are visiting today from there, WELCOME, I am thrilled you stopped by!

Blog Signature-Charcoal, Gold


  1. Thank you! I use whatever light max the outlet allows. My round bulbs are 25W each. I always go for a warm white light when it is an option.

  2. I think your chandelier looks great with the round bulbs. They are kind of like bubbles. I prefer frosted bulbs if they’re where I look at them. Do you recommend 40w or 60w or other? And what color temperature do you like? My chandelier is silver and in my foyer/upstairs hall (nothing fancy). Also, I found some A15 bulbs. They look more like balloons and a little smaller than the G16.5 round bulbs. Do you think one shape would look better than the other? Thank you for your post.

  3. Great idea! Incredible how much a simple change can transform a space. The new lightbulbs are quirky and fun!

  4. Hmmm Sonya, I’m not sure how I feel about round bulbs in a chandelier. I don’t dislike the look. I have some of those bulbs in my stash and you’ve piqued my curiousity. Like paint chip samples, I’m going to look at it in the different light settings and see how I feel. Thanks for the head turner this morning!

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